Building a sound running base for a scheduled future race should be an important part of any runner's program. A base involves a runner gradually increasing his or her speed and endurance over a specific time frame—usually six to eight weeks. This phase should happen before any hard intervals or very long runs are attempted. Without a base, a runner most likely will fail to reach his or her potential or set goals.
There are exceptions, but many coaches will agree that, in a race situation, a runner who has built a sound base will outperform a runner who has not. Building a running base will prevent you from increasing your training too quickly, which makes the risk for injury greater.
Some telltale signs runners experience if they progress to quickly include being constantly tired and experiencing problems in their feet or legs. Shin splints and plantar fasciitis are some common injuries.
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More: 4 Ways to Fight Plantar Fasciitis
Improves your cardiovascular system, especially your VO2 max, which is the amount of oxygen intake your body can handle. This will allow you to sustain a higher heart rate for longer
More: 5 Ways to Build Your Running Base
There are other physical, non-running activities that can be incorporated in the base-building phase.
Stretches: light stretches are most important after your run. Think of your leg muscles like a rubber band. Your muscles are extended during the workout and will start to flex back when you are finished; therefore, you need to lengthen them again.
Abdominal exercises: a strong core will help running posture.
More: 5 Key Core Exercises for Runners
Other aerobic exercise: on your rest day, incorporate an easy bike ride or swim.
Running drills: heel-kick and high-knee drills—these can be done after your warm-up before your run (or the workout below)
More: Improve Your Stride Without Trying
One workout that will greatly help both beginning and advanced runners is a running-in-place workout. This workout, which can be done once a week during your base-building phase, is most easily done on a track because accurate distance measurements are important.
This workout will teach your legs to land underneath you. When you are running, think of Sir Isaac Newton: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." When running with your feet landing directly under your chest, the force you apply to the ground will be pushed back up into your thighs and through your core. This results in a more powerful push-off for your running stride.
More: 5 Steps to Proper Running Form
Week One
Week Two
The main factor that will determine your base-building workout is the type of race you are planning to run. For example, a 5K base-building program will be different from a 10K. You can talk to a running coach, read articles or talk to other experienced runners to help you decide what base-building program is right for you.
Remember: "No pain, no gain," should not even be a thought during your base training.
More: 3 Ways to Build an Injury-Proof Foundation for Running
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