Most serious cyclists understand the importance of a strong core, but both rookies and veterans alike neglect this critical part of their body.
"The core is often overlooked," says Laurie Jackson, an American Council on Exercise certified personal trainer based in Tucson, Arizona. "What cyclists might not realize is how it's linked to riding. If you don't have a stable core you won't be able to use your leg power efficiently."
Jackson offers a classic example. Two riders—one with a weak core and the other with a strong core—approach a hill and both get out of the saddle and start pumping along. The one with a weak core flails about while the other cyclist rides smoothly along. One wastes energy, while the other captures and uses it to propel them up the hill faster and more efficiently.
More: 4 Core Exercises to Boost Cycling Power
Any guesses on who reaches the top first? More importantly, who still has plenty in the tank to tackle hills two, three, four, five and six? The one with a stable core is more likely to win every time.
Jackson, who also is a certified group fitness instructor through ACE and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, has a go-to list of core exercises for her cyclist and triathlete clients.
Cyclists who are serious about strengthening their core and improving their riding as a result, should pick four of the exercises listed below and complete them in a single workout two to three times a week. Cyclists can start by completing two sets of each exercise and eventually work up to three, Jackson says.
More: 3 Medicine Ball Workouts to Build Your Core
Lay on the floor as if you're going to do a standard crunch abdominal exercise. Your knees should be bent with feet on the floor. Grab a physio ball with two hands, engage the abs and sit up slightly. Trace the ball in a single clockwise circle before slowly lowering yourself back to the floor. Repeat 15 times. Then start over, this time moving in the counterclockwise direction for another 15 times.
Beware: don't sit all the way up, Jackson says. You should feel the abs working to hold you in position. This exercise works the lower back and oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.
This exercise, sometimes called the bridge, begins by lying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor. Slowly raise your pelvis up off the floor, hold two seconds and lower. Repeat immediately, making sure to squeeze your glutes as you raise your pelvis. Complete 20 pelvic tilts per set.
This exercise strengthens the hip flexors and glutes.
More: 8 Core Exercises for Cyclists
Grab a physio ball. Lay on top of it—your belly should be on the ball—with your hands on the floor. Lift one leg off the ground, keeping it extended and squeezing the glute. Lower it to the floor and repeat for a total of 20 repetitions before switching to the other leg.
Get into the plank position. Face down, forearms on the mat, toes pointed on the floor like a push-up position. Your body should be straight and off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, followed by a 30-second rest. Repeat for a total of four repetitions. Work up to 60-second forearm plank intervals.
This exercise works the transverse abdominal muscles and the lower and upper back.
The exercise begins as a sideways plank. The forearm is on the ground, the body is straight and on its side. Raise the hip up, driving it towards the ceiling, and then lower it down. Once the hip brushes the floor, drive it back up again. Do not pause for a rest until you've completed 15 hip dips (that's one complete cycle up and down). Switch to the other side and repeat.
More: 26 Core Exercises for Mountain Bikers
Lay on your back with your legs extended. Lift up the legs about six inches off the floor. Move the left leg over the right, and then the right leg over the left. Keep the pace measured and steady. If it's too difficult place your hands beneath your hips. Work up to 100 scissor kicks. One scissor kick is a completed left-over-right and right-over-left leg cycle.
This exercise works your inner and outer thighs, hip flexors and transverse abdominals.
Lay on your back, with knees bent and feet on the floor. Instead of placing hands behind the head, extend them straight out. Slowly bring your chest up to your knees, being carefully not to use your arms for momentum. Complete 20 reps before resting.
Sit on the floor, extend legs out straight and then slowly raise them up until you're balancing on your buttocks. This core exercise is sometimes described as a V sit. Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of four repetitions.
More: 7 Ways to Test Your Cycling Fitness
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