Don’t worry we are here to help you understand the rock climbing grading system.
First things first. Remember that we climb because we like to rock climb not beacuse we can climb a certain grade.
Now don’t get us wrong we love to push ourselves to reach new grades and to break past our climbing barriers/plateaus.
But and this is a big but, we first and foremost believe that you should climb for yourself. Don’t worry so much about the grades you can climb.
Just focus on having fun, learning new things, enjoying nature, pushing your limits, and creating experiences with your friends.
Ok now that that is off our chest… back to the rock climbing rating systems.
You see in rock climbing climbers give a climbing grade to a route that attempts to assess how difficult and dangerous that route is.
There are a number of factors that contribute to the difficulty of a climb.
For bouldering the most common is John Sherman’s V-grading system and the Fontainebleau scale. I have also compared them to the U.S. decimal scale because some indoor climbing gyms use this scale for their bouldering as well as their rope climbing.
It should be noted that all grading systems are not exact and are open to interpretation. Always use caution and when climbing in a new area. It is best to start with a few routes below your usual climbing ability. This will allow you to get a feel for that area so that you can judge what routes to climb.
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