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Best Rock Wall Holds

Best rock wall holds are the ones that are durable and easily available.  Rock wall holds are mounted in rock walls that are used for climbing. These can be artificially made. Some of the very best rock wall holds sets are as follows:


  1. Atomik climbing holds is a United States based company. Their custom-built rock wall holds are a pride in climbing sport circles. Atomik offers a lifetime warranty period and claim that their rock wall holds are unbreakable even under the toughest of conditions. These rock wall climbing holds are available in almost eight hundred designs. These range from rock wall holds for different age groups. To contact Atomik rock wall holds, call this number: (801) 404-0280.
  2. Cheapholds.com is an online company that offers reasonable packages for rock wall climbing equipment. The rock wall holds they produce are for a modest clientele. These are pretty good nevertheless and are immensely sought after. Aside from their attractive price packages, they also offer free shipment. Their phone number and email address are as follows: Climbing Wall Supply LLC, (888) 779-7181, sales@cheapholds.com.
  3. Morganic Super Joe’s sets are the most famous rock wall holds distributed and dealt with by ClimbingHolds.com. Super Joe’s is one of the two best rock wall holds of this brand. The contact information is this phone number: (801) 649-4088. Their email is info@ClimbingHolds.com
  4. ETCH is by far the biggest producer of rock wall holds. ETCH Compers set C is their innovation that gives extra leverage and style. It is available in different colors and styles.
  5. ETCH Compers set B is a fine product of high quality polyethylene fiber. These rock wall holds are durable and reliable. These are the most popular among climbers these days.
  6. ETCH Crimper set B is another of the brand ETCH. These are readily available at all known sports stores. There are quite a few online distributors as well, out of which the most notable is ClimbingHolds.com
  7. ETCH Slicks set E is also a collection of fine rock wall climbing holds. These are comparatively high priced but offer durability that is unmatched. There is a wide range of Morgan Granite rock wall holds sets available. They have a large variety for different rock wall surfaces. The materials used are of the finest quality.
  8. Franklin Sets deal with problems pertaining to technique and rock surface. The rock wall holds produced by this company are a mark of quality.
  9. So-iLL rock wall holds sets are the most innovative. These concentrate on outlook. They are best appreciated by minor rock climbers. These are attractive and thus, are favorites among the young.
  10. Morgan starter rock wall holds sets are highly sought after by the young. They supply a variety of rock wall holds that give more support and leverage to young climbers.

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