Here are some examples of how this proverb can be applied:
* A business executive who engages in risky financial practices may eventually face bankruptcy.
* A politician who oversteps their authority may be impeached or voted out of office.
* A celebrity who becomes too famous may experience a great deal of negative publicity and public scrutiny.
* A student who tries to take on too many classes or extracurricular activities may end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
In all of these cases, the individuals in question have taken too many risks or pursued too much success, which has led to their downfall. The proverb warns us to be careful not to overreach, and to remember that there is always the potential for failure.
In conclusion, the phrase "one who climbs too high receives hardest fall" serves as a cautionary reminder of the dangers of excessive ambition and overconfidence, and encourages individuals to practice moderation and humility in their pursuits.
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