1. Around the perimeter of a building. This can help to deter crime and provide security for the property.
2. In the driveway or parking lot. This can make it easier to see when coming and going, and can also help to deter crime.
3. On the patio or deck. This can provide lighting for entertaining guests or for enjoying the outdoors at night.
4. In the garden or landscaping. This can help to highlight features of the landscape, such as trees, flowers, or water features.
5. Around the pool or hot tub. This can provide lighting for safety and enjoyment while using the pool or hot tub at night.
6. On a flagpole. This can help to illuminate the flag at night.
7. On a tree. This can provide accent lighting for the tree and can also help to deter pests.
8. On the roof. This can provide security lighting for the property and can also help to deter birds from nesting.
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