Spray repellents containing capsaicin or peppermint oil along the perimeter of your lawn.
Place scented deterrents like cayenne pepper or garlic around the affected areas.
Sprinkle predator urine (coyotes, wolves, or even human) to intimidate the skunks and keep them away.
Install tight-fitting lids or covers on trash bins and compost heaps.
Remove sources of food and shelter, like loose pet food or open sheds.
Seal small openings along the foundation of buildings where they could squeeze in.
Consider installing an underground electric pet fence to keep skunks out of the yard.
Fencing off gardens, flowerbeds, and other vulnerable areas can also help prevent damage.
Skunk Trapping:
Use live traps to humanely capture skunks and relocate them to a safer area. However, this should be a last resort and done by a professional as handling wild animals can be dangerous.